Together, we can use Clifton Strengths Coaching to align your ‘how’ with your ‘what.’

We can use Spiritual Direction to align your ‘how’ and ‘what’ with your ‘why.’

Together, we can help you to address pain points, identify areas of growth, and nurture the deep places in your spirit.

My Services

I am a certified Gallup Clifton Strengths Coach and a spiritual director. My clients are writers, ministers, church folk, and anyone who would like to be more aligned in their life. I am happy to schedule a free consultation to help discover how coaching and/or spiritual direction might be right for you.

  • Coaching using the Gallup Clifton Strengths Full 34 or Top 5 allows people to increase their well-being. Coaching is $200 for the first session (includes the $60 Clifton Strengths Full 34 report; if you already have your Full 34 report, the initial consultation is the regular $125).

  • A regular coaching session last 45 minutes and costs $125. Coaching sessions can focus on a specific problem or question, or we can work on developing a particular Strength.

  • Spiritual Direction sessions last for 45 minutes and cost $75. In spiritual direction, we listen for God’s leading in our lives. The director serves as a companion and facilitator.

I believe that coaching and spiritual direction can help us make immediate and effective change in our lives. Coaching can help us to be in alignment with our strengths. Spiritual direction helps deepen our connection to ourselves, others, and ultimately to the transcendent. Clients can choose coaching or spiritual direction, or we can combine the two.

Contact Beth

Questions? I am happy to have an initial conversation to clarify whether coaching and/or spiritual direction is right for you. Want to book a session? Message me here.